What We Do
Our Objective
The aim of this website is to showcase who we are and what we do, and to provide contact details for anyone wishing further information about us or on the Elizabethan range. In this site you’ll find a wealth of information on the Elizabethan classes, our social calendar and other articles we’ve curated that we hope will be useful to members. If you own an Elizabethan or are interested in purchasing one and are not a member we would be very pleased for you to contact us with details of your vessel as we are keen to discover more about the Elizabethan heritage and every vessel built, and in supporting you in any way we can.
This site has recently (2020) been given a visual refresh to make the design responsive to those of you browsing on mobile devices. Within the site you’ll see the familiar sections and content (though please let us know if anything is missing!) along with galleries of member events and yachts.
We actively encourage all members to contribute to the site’s content and would be delighted to hear from you if you have any articles/blogs, photo’s/videos, wanted or for sale items etc. you wish to share with others. We’re also keen to receive any suggestions on how this site may be further enhanced to be of more support to our members, funds permitting!
If you have anything you’d like to publish or have any comments or recommendations please send this to David, EOA Commodore, or to our dedicated and very hard working webmaster (yes - I wrote this!). Once moderated we’ll be glad to upload this for our membership.
Please note that the EOA has two officers, Commodore and Hon. Secretary, who make decisions on behalf of the EOA. As the membership is global these decisions are based upon assumptions that are not always possible to verify with all the membership. If any member would like to put themselves forward for either of the above two roles please contact the EOA Hon. Secretary. Appointment or election usually takes place at one of our winter gatherings, or at the annual ‘Raleigh’, where members can vote in person or by post or email. Similarly, if any member has difficulty with any decisions made by these officers please contact the EOA Hon. Secretary. He will then represent the interests of the member to the Commodore and/or arrange an election of new officers.